Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Home sweet home

Lovely sunny day so blew off toddler group for a play in the park.

Couldn't wait to get E home after school. She's had a lovely time but was very tired, and I had a nice big bag of wet clothes to deal with from all their water adventuring.

I think they'd all gone to bed pretty late, especially in E's case as he went to sleep without sucking her beloved thumb. She is determined no-one is to know her dirty habit ;)

Straight home and onto horseriding. It was a good lesson but a little incident when E was taking the horse back to the yard kinda put a dampened on it. Horsey saw some grass it fancied so it had some... While standing on E's foot. She was sprawled on the floor sobbing so I had to brave it and pull the horse off her. She's ok now, it just me who's going off them more and more by the minute.

Lovely to have the family all present again

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