Vintage Fair

The day was just so beautiful today so i had to go out of the house. I went to this Vintage Fair at town inside The Assembly. It was my first time to go inside that building. It was nice. It must be a theatre centre in the old days because they have a stage and a nice spacious area possily for seats. I though it was free to see the stalls in the Vintage Fair but I had to pay 2GBP for it. I almost bought a pocket watch. One stall was selling them for 6GBP each. But as soon as i realized that you cant wind it up (it was battery operated), i lost interest. It was too good to be true anyways. 

Went to Starbucks for my weekly mocha and got some groceries on my way home. I did not bring my bike this time so I had to walk back to the flat. Unfortunately, rain, sleet and rain (in that order) happened while I was walking. So before I got back to the flat, I was a little bit wet. I didnt expect for sleet to happen though. I do hope there wont be a 2013 repeat where there was an unexpected snow in the middle of March.

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