
It snowed for most of the day, although not much of it settled as it was quite mild. D went out for a ramble but I stayed in - did some reading and played the guitar for a bit (there's a novelty). I went for a stroll around the building at one point to see what was going on but apart from a flock of long-tailed tits in the trees who were merely charming silhouettes against the white sky, all I could see was some kayakers quite a long way up the loch.

Chamfer became a bit concerned about the weather forecast, so we left earlier than usual (missing out on the scones!). Unfortunately he found a queue of solid unmoving traffic a few miles short of Callender, presumably due to an accident or tree fall, so had to turn round (v fiddly when towing a trailer) and we returned via Loch Earn and Crieff.

Time for a warm bath, a drameem, and bed.

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