Ahoy There...

Rain and storm force winds were forecast today, but we woke up to sunshine so decided to head to the beach for an early walk with the boys.  We drove and parked at the Lido and then walked along the undercliff walk from Saltdean to Ovingdean and back. It was very breezy but there were lots of people out walking and even though the sea was quite choppy there were still a lot of yachts out at sea.

Other than that we've had a relaxing day at home - my online food shop arrived and I've finally hung pictures that I've been intending to do since we moved.  Then this afternoon Gabi and Carlos brought Bart  round to see us, as we're going to be looking after him in a couple of weeks.  The boys were very excited to see him! 

In other news it was my daughter's 30th birthday today so  we FaceTimed this morning and we're travelling up North next weekend to have a family lunch to celebrate - I can't wait to see her :-)

Anyway, the stormy weather has arrived, and I'm tired, so I'll say good night -  it's an early night for me x

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