Mirror Selfie

This is Sarah and Anna's mirror selfie, because I am stealing a couple of Anna's photos as I didn't take any at the youth weekend!! 

So, the first full day of the youth weekend...

Woke up quite early, went over to the hall for breakfast - pain au chocolat! :)
Then we had a meeting, but I was only there for the singing bit because then I was helping in the kitchen to get lunch ready, which was actually really fun!

In the afternoon we went to Henley to do a mystery game. We were in teams and were given different tasks to complete and had to find the leaders who were scattered around Henley! It was good, even though my team didn't win!

Came back to church and relaxed for a while before dinner.
Then we had the evening meeting.

I helped to get supper ready and clear away. Played some games, and then it was time for bed.

We chatted for a while but everyone was tired/feeling ill so we didn't stay up too late... (much to Anna's disappointment!)

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