Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Walk, not just now thank you!

I almost couldn't find Coco when it was time to go for a walk this morning, she had managed to cuddle up under some cushions with only a very cute little face peaking out, I think she was hiding from the rain. She really doesn't mind a little or even a lot of rain and once I got her off the sofa and out she had a great time - the normal chaos ensued once we meet up with friends, Coco had to be called back because she looked as though she was going to jump into a garden, we lost Jasper after he ran after a ball and and jumped off a wall but couldn't jump back up, the boys, Theo and Edward seemed intent on greeting all dogs with lots of noise and a face wash - if they wanted it or not and Suzi buried a ball resulting in me hanging onto a tree to stop me sliding down the slope while I dug it back up with the chuckit (I wasn't going to let her owner retrieve it, she was going out for a very posh afternon tea to celebrate her 70 birthday!) Home after a good hour and a half and we were both very wet and exhausted, still managed to do it all again later in the day.
Inspired by the Comic Relief Bake Off the children made some very tasty rainbow cupcakes today although I'm not sure blue as the top layer was a good idea, it turned a mouldy green as it browned.
And just in case I haven't mentioned it, very proud mum - Ky has done really well in her prelims - it was a bit nail bitting knowing she was getting her results on Friday, I'm not sure how we'll survive the actual exams!

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