Pilot Whale
A fine start to the day, although it was mostly overcast. Some wintery snow showers came in and then rain showers this evening.
Up early and went down to Bigton to see my brother Jonny and family. The bairns were high as kites, so we went for a walk down to the beach. I had to work again today in the museum, even though it was meant to be my weekend off but a late start and an early finish :)
This evening I returned to Bigton to pick up mam from Jonny's and then we popped along my sister Laura on the way home. Walkies with Sammy and then feet up for the night.
Jonny's bairns took me down to the beach at Ireland. They wanted to show the Pilot Whaler that washed up yesterday. A sad sight but looked like it's just old age that's caused the death, or I hope so. They are big animals but on a whale scale, they are very small. Taken at Ireland beach.
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