In spate

Rain thrummed on the larder roof all morning and continued into the afternoon. By 2.30 I had to get out: I can't bear to stay in all day. Encased in waterproof wear I slithered down through the wood. Farm animals have been allowed to browse among the trees, their hooves ruining the understory and churning up the ground. Everything dripped. In the valley I could hear the  continuous white noise of roaring water.. The quiet little river  had become a swollen torrent that twisted and writhed  like a captured animal trying to escape its bonds. On the opposite bank there were sheep, a few with lambs at foot. One ewe up against the hedge was trying to deal with twins - but as I watched I realised she had three. This is not good news: she's unlikely to manage triplets without help and one already looks weak. It will probably make a meal for foxes tonight.

I also found: an early primrose  in bloom, woodpecker peckings in dead timber, velvet shanks and scarlet elf cup fungi to add to my supper menu. All viewable  here.

And the moral is: it's always better to go out than stay in, even if the weather is foul. It's good for the body and good for the soul. You might see an owl, you might see a mole. If not, something else.

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