Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Perseverance . . . . and Adventure!

It took me a long time to get here . . .

Across the yard from my favourite leafy bush . . .

Up a tire at night, while The Vehicle is at rest . . .

Across the greasy suspension parts . . .

Upside-down on the dirty underfloor of The Vehicle, no food here . . .

To the clear metallic blue field, promising The Vantage Point for my adventure!

A life-long dream, to travel to strange places -


Eyes unblinking, afraid to miss even an instant of the experience!

Perfectly placed on the back quarter window of The Vehicle on a drizzly morning!

The Blipper/chauffeur arrives and doesn't see me - Perfect!

OFF WE GO! OOOOOOH! Keep your eyes open!!!

First stop for a half-hour - Perfect timing to adjust my placement on the window.

Next stop for gasoline - They never told me about the fumes - Whew!

Next, a surreptitious trip through McDonald's drive-through for McBreakfast - Smells like slug-food to me! This Blipper's giving me The Deluxe Tour, and the McFeeders pretend they don't see me right next to the driver's window!

Next, to Feed Mom's Cat - A short stop for me, nothing interesting here.

OOPS! THE BLIPPER HAS SPOTTED ME! He draws his camera and starts uncontrollably blipping me! All the way back across town, risking his life and the lives of others, Blipping out the window, Blipping in the mirror!

Meanwhile, I'm jockeying for a better vantage point closer to the front of The Vehicle - This IS a once-in-a-lifetime experience after all!

Ah, almost home and the Blipper has been distracted by the local deer family ignoring a 'No Trespassing' sign. I hope he remembers how colorful my shell is, and that deer are boring!

Parked. Adventure over, the Blipper carefully lifts me off his window and puts me down on . . .

Yummy Leaf!


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