In Flight

Another glorious day here, weather wise :) I spent the morning helping out at school as usual although there was no table tennis to supervise as the mobile where we have it was being used by the teachers that the head was interviewing - as part of their interview they had to teach a small class. It's back on tomorrow though :)

As the weather was so nice though, I just had to grab Asha and the hound and take another trip to the beach. I couldn't believe it when we were driving up as it was so misty!!! Asha was convinced it was some sort of supernatural trap for us LOL

Then, it was school run time, and as it was so nice, we decided to stop off and feed the ducks - something I still love doing :) This is where I took these - I'm not that great at these "action" shots but if I keep practising I am sure I'll get better. I did try using the manual setting to set up my own shutter speed & aperture but I either ended up with a very blurred colour saturated photo or just a plain white one. I really need practise with that!!

Yesterday's blip

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