
By mambo

Sarah's back garden.

Feeling remarkably fresh after a busy weekend at the Ilkley Film Festival, 4,000 people attended over the five days so a big success and I think it shows that the town could probably support a permanent cinema.
Went to get my hair cut and coloured at Sarah's house, she is a friend of my daughters who tutors part time at a hairdressing college and kindly does my hair as I hate going to the hairdressers! She told me that my roots have gone really white since last time - hey ho another step in the ageing process.
Her lounge looks out through patio doors to what I think is a delightful garden and she generously let me do today's blip. I must do it again in the summer when it's in its full glory.
Busy week coming up: teaching next two days, London Thursday then heading to Wales at the weekend.
Better get some housework done!

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