The colors of the rainbow

By bergfoto

Selfies - but not mine

The met office predicted a crazy storm today so instead of driving early this morning to Reykjavík to meet up with fellow blipper Bob20 I decided to stay at home. It turned out the weather wasn't so bad here in the north but the wind was blowing heavily on the south coast up to 60 m/sec. I was disappointed we didn't got the chance to chat and take some photos ... but hopefully we will very soon. 

I thought it was a great idea to take a look at a photo exhibition since I was at home ... and I wasn't disappointed 520 interesting and some stunning selfie images all taken by the same person ... some of them can be seen here. To take one selfie is fun but to take one selfie each and every day for a whole year is a great challenge ... or so do I think. 

Maybe I'll try it one day :)


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