Journey forward

By Popsicle

Crooks Corner

Called the " Haven of Scoundrels", this area takes the visitor back in time to when Crooks Corner was a no-mans-land, on the boundary of where 3 countries come together.
This triangular piece of land situated at the confluence of the Levuvhu and Limpopo rivers is the most north-easterly corner of the old Transvaal (now Limpopo Province) and South Africa. Since 1913 the Levuvhu river served as the northernmost boundary of the Kruger National Park, up to where it joined the mighty Limpopo river.
The Limpopo was always the boundary between South Africa and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The confluence of the 2 rivers also formed a natural corner between those 2 countries and  Portugeuse East Africa (now Mozambique).
This area was one of the most remote areas of South Africa, only accessible via long, arduous tracks and roads through thick bush and extremely hot conditions.

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