
By Incredibish


Not so much an exemplar of photographic skill and creativity... more a sample of my day. I set out this morning to drive to Oxford for work, leaving at 07h30. I immediately realised why I almost never go to Oxford, and ended up sat in standing traffic which inched forward barely fifteen miles in ninety minutes. 

Hey ho, I thought. Nearly every one of these cars is occupied by one person - including mine. In fairness I could have got all the bits and bobs I needed for the days work in my motorcycle panniers, and I pondered how different the roads would be if motorcycling was promoted as a green alternative to commuting, rather than a hobby undertaken by devil-ridden teenagers intent on mischief and lawlessness.

On the way home I decided to take the motorway rather than the A-roads I crawled along in the morning. Sadly, that was doomed also, as a truck had gone over, spilling fuel and cargo all across the highway. This time the fifteen miles of so tailback took two hours. And finally I got home.

Motorcycling has its risks and they aren't casually brushed aside. But even the Green Party are sniffy about them as an alternative to cars. And cars, I mean, they're built to take four or five and generally carry one. Roads are crushingly congested now. Surely it's worth considering... not everyone can cycle to work, but lots could motorcycle.

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