
I'd like to say that I never have the urge to push someone down these stairs. 

That's a lie.

I'd like to say that I never have the urge to throw myself down these stairs. 

That's also a lie.

I'd like to say a lot of things. 

They're mostly lies too.

On a separate, but a note worth sharing I feel...

There's a reason I don't take part in these competitions/challenges that appear *I deleted the non-excellent text about how shite they are*  and that is so I lessen the risk of THIS happening. 

I understand that the rather 'loosely' worded Ts&Cs that have fallen out of this 'Polaroid partnership' mean that we really have no control over whatever Blip Central choose to do with our photos/journals. That's fair enough, generally why I post/write utter shite these days.

Although it has to be said, the one good thing about being a gobshite is that the powers that be don't want my journal anywhere near any sort of publicity.  

However, I'm saddened to see that this was the result of a fellow blipper's actions. I'll refrain from publicly naming and shaming in the name of being excellent once more. 

This being excellent is tough though, especially when Damnonii has now decided to make her journal private, that's made me quite sad but actually... it's probably not a bad course of action if our stuff is going to be copied and pasted all over the internet without so much as an advisory note never mind permission. 

Weirdly the name of the author on said article has changed twice this afternoon. I'm always quite glad that we live in the world of screenshots. Oh and us women can gossip don't you know! 

Too slow bozo!

EDIT: There's a forum thread on the go... if you want to share your view.

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