
By gennepher

A cross cat...

As I drove the car into the driveway I noticed Suki sunning herself in the window. I had iPad in my hand so I crept up to the window and took a photo.

Then as I got nearer my shadow appeared on the window and startled Suki, hence her cross I took another photo.

Suki is a white cat with odd coloured is blue, the other eye sometimes appears yellowish or pinkish depending on lighting conditions. she appears to be completely deaf and has always been very alert for movements in her surroundings. She does not respond to noise. Suki tends to keep near cover or undercover outside, and you raely see her out in the open.

The only time you see her in the open is when there is a blanket of snow on the ground, and then you can really see her hunting skills in operation. There is this sudden flurry of snow when she gets her victim. It appears to me she seems to realise on some level that the snow is her friend and it disguises her movements.

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