Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Mmmmmm tickle under the chin ...

Hammy the FEMALE guinea pig (Lucy is fed up of people calling her a he ) loves having her neck stroked and tickled .. She makes the most fabulous happy gurgles ...

I've been so poorly with a migraine that I did not blip yesterday.. YES YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY .. I was too ill to blip ...

Mr W had been a superstar .. Mind you he is all the time I am just being extra nice ;-)
Also today velvet frog gave us some lovely sofas because she's finally sold her house here and I had my eye on those sofas ... She's a good egg.. Mind you she refused to give me her bookends I wanted .. Selfish .

Edited .... I have just seen its my blip 1,500 and that's because the first 17 comments told me ... Ohhhh a balloon :-D

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