Mono Monday

The theme this week is "Ancient Buildings".  Well, compared to some of the countries represented on Blip we are not keeping any ancients here.  This is Grace Episcopal Church, founded in 1841 when the textile mills were bringing in lots of English Anglican workers, the church was founded and services were held in various buildings around the city.  On December 28,  1843, (many years later to be my birthday) the new church was consecrated.  However, as the parish grew, the church was split into two sections and each section moved to different locations to make room for a new church.  One still stands as part of an apartment building and the other burned in a fire in 1870.  This new church appears to have been started in 1860 with the new name of Grace Church.  There were additions last completed in the 1930's.  It was a picture perfect (but frigid - shocking!) day and it was hard to make this B&W, but still the shadows of the trees helped the overall look.gave it a little more interest.

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