The Aliens of Lom Cave
We've decided to give Vang Vieng another chance and stay one more night so hire bicycles this morning and head out of town. We go down a dirt road and park up by a cafe and a bamboo bridge. We are told there is a cave down here so off we go and find the quite scary but quite amazing Lom Cave. Its a long walk up to the cave over rocks and makeshift walkways. You are given torches before going and, as you enter the cave, a cold wind hits you. Then off you go - the first part is down ladders and along planks and then you're on your own. There is no one else in there and, after almost losing site of the entrance, Fred starts to feel uncomfortable. Andy goes a little further but still where Fred can see his flashlight ... it gets muddy and he slips over and decides to come back. Its huge and is a pretty amazing place but health and safety is non existent - you're just left to do your own thing and go as deep as you like. We're not really equipped for it in flip flops with fading torches.
As we cross back over the bridge we see the many kayaks and tubing parties travelling down river - there are bars all along the route so there are some pretty pissed people by this point. The river looks slow here but we've heard there are tourist deaths every year.
Its really hot cycling this afternoon so we don't go too much further and then head into town and book our "VIP Bus" for tomorrow to Vientiane. After our not so great mini bus experience getting here we've gone for the big bus option which we hope is more comfortable.
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