Jacqui's World

By HappyJacqui

Ready to Pounce!

It is a miserable, wet, cold day. 

I went up to my friends house and saw the chickens that were hanging around outside of their house. Free range eggs come from these chickens but the neibours let them wander all over and don't keep them in a confined area of their land. 

Ted was sat there waiting for me when one of them was ready to pounce! I had to rescue him.

Another story.
The mayoral car at that time was a Rover 75 and I was to take the mayor, mayoress and two other people to Manchester airport as they were going on a three day twinning visit to Marl in Germany. I wasn’t going with them that time. At 6-00a.m. on the morning that they were travelling I went to pick up the first gentleman without any trouble but when I went to the second gentleman’s house there was a problem. His bag was put into the boot with the other luggage and he said to me ‘I won’t be a minute’ and went back into the house. He came out with a cello! I was shocked that he thought it would fit into the car without any trouble. He got in with his cello and then we went to the mayor and mayoress’s house. I put their luggage into the boot and asked the mayor to sit at the front next to me, which really was a no, no. The mayoress sat behind me (she was a large lady) and the other man sat at next to the window in the back of the car. The gentleman with the cello sat in the middle of them with his cello between his legs all the way to Manchester airport. When I returned to the town hall I went to see the member of staffs who had arranged the transport for the people who were travelling on the trip to Marl. I just said to him “ what made you think you could get five people, a lot of luggage and a cello into the mayoral car without them all feeling very uncomfortable going to the airport have you no common sense’. I was so angry with him. He now is a Deputy Chief Executive in another local authority.    

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