Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Juicing: an Update

On 21st January, I offered a similar blip to this one when we acquired a juicer and immediately became fanatics!   So, one month on, where do things stand?

Well, we never bought in to the juice and only juice thing.  I like solid food far too much to give it up for more than a day and in any case it goes against my view that any philosophy that asks you to stick to one group of foods... even as big a group as raw fruit and veg juice .. can't be right.  So we have substituted juice for a lunch or a breakfast on some days.

We've discovered that certain ingredients are really lovely together;  fennel is gorgeous, and ginger can be added to  most mixtures.  Inevitably apples, pears, celery are easy to love and since I am reluctant to crunch my way through them, the juice is a bonus for my diet. Pineapple is fab; carrots are ........... carrots. On the other hand, you have to think of the loss of fibre.

I'd love to add raw beetroot but it's out of season and even if drained, the vacuum packed stuff just isn't what I'm looking for.  Once  UK berry fruits come into season, I can imagine adding lots.

Having said all that , the juice in this blip was all I could face since I have some sniffly, nauseousy thing on the go .... apples, celery, fennel ; what more can a gal ask?  And a morale boost when you have hours of reading about fracking and shale gas for light entertainment! (Final week this week;  it's been fascinating)

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