Day 766 - Hospital

My sister called at 9am today to let me know that our dad had had a minor stroke, so I dropped everything, drove to Perth and went straight to the hospital.  I had no idea what to expect when I got there so I was a bit of a mess!!!  Once I saw my dad and realised it wasn't as serious as it could have been, I relaxed a little.

The CT scan showed a small clot and it turns out he has had small strokes that he hasn't been aware of!  They gave him some meds to dissolve the clot and he seems to have responded well.  He had lost some feeling in his right arm and leg and had lost a bit of co-ordination which should be improved by some physio but when I left the hospital, it looked like his co-ordination had improved.

He is in overnight for observation and will get an MRI tomorrow.  If the scan is clear, he will get home but we don't know about work, driving or future meds yet...  One day at a time!

Perth Royal Infirmary have changed their visiting times - basically you can go any time except lunch and dinner - which is good because it meant we could keep him company all day.  We nipped home to get him some things and when we got back he was wearing these very fetching slippers to keep his feet warm!!!

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