
Miss L had to draw a picture of her pet for homework.
She chose Barbara the goldfish!
She drew Barbara in her bowl blowing lots of bubbles, herself feeding Barbara, mummy in her jacket, and daddy and Miss E.
She wrote that Barbara was born on a Monday in May and is two years old.
So sweet!
I love watching her concentrate on things like this. She loves drawing and it's fascinating to see the details she considers important. Like my jacket!!
I went to the gym first thing for the first time in ages. I need to get back into the habit!
Then I tidied the kitchen and dining room like a whirling dervish before heading off to get Miss L for her ballet lesson.
That's when it all unravelled and got a bit stressful!
There was a whirl of leaving Miss L at her lesson, driving back to school at the speed of sound to get to Miss E before they put her into after school club (I left ballet about ten minutes later than I should have!!) and driving back to ballet at top speed to get there before the lesson ended and Miss L thought she'd been abandoned!
I was running late for Fat Club so Mr K came to ballet to take both the girls home and I carried on to Bicester.
I hate always being in a rush for everything - never actually late but just making everything by the skin of my teeth. It's exhausting!!
One and a half pounds off at Fat Club so I'm going back in the right direction.

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