Out and about

I started the day today up at the museum today with the first year HN group. They have a project on interactive kiosks so we were looking at those and also they headed into the Gamesmasters exhibition to look at the User interface for some of the games.

That took up the whole morning then the students had a break for lunch before heading down to the Scottish Gallery for the David Eustace show. I'd contacted him beforehand and he was kind enough to come in and have a chat with the students about commissioning photographers for design works and how he got his start which pretty much requires the same enthusiasm and commitment whichever part of the creative industries you are in. 

It was a great day out all in all and it was good to get a chance to look at the photos when the gallery was a bit quieter. It's on until Friday and if you haven't made it along yet I'd really suggest it's worth going to see.

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