Lali's World

By Lali

Cassette tapes

If you don't know what these strange looking objects are click here :)

I remember using a pencil to turn the spool round when the plastic tape went loose, and if you wanted to listen to a particular track in the tape it took ages to find it. You had to keep blindly playing fast forward or backward till you found it. It was a nightmare for our English teachers when they brought tapes for Listening Comprehension exercises, hahaha! :)

I just came across these as I was looking for something. For some reason I don't know, I still have them, although I don't have a cassette player anymore...

I was off today but I spent most of my day at home because I was not feeling great. That was not good because I had lots of things to do, one of them baking a cake. As I didn't start doing anything till I was feeling better, I did everything late. The cake is still in the oven, and I won't be able to go to bed till it's ready...

I have a very long day ahead tomorrow, having to wake up early for a dentist appointment in the morning and then doing overtime at work in the evening, so I really hope the cake is finished soon..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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