
...a new home

over and over and over

year after year after year

can you imagine - what that must be like - for little birds - to have to go - through each year - the need to build - a new home for - their family - having to gather - twigs, branches, misc fuzzy stuff - to keep a nest together - i know birds probably - don't experience stress - the way we humans do - but it would certainly - disrupt our lives - if we had to - find a new home - every year, right? - but birds take it - in stride 'cuz that's - how they were designed - it's a way of life - for them after all - as i just barely - caught this magpie carrying - his little branch - then continued watching - the back and forth activity - i became very grateful for - my humble abode - that i am secure in - living here for a - significant amount of time - determined by me - it doesn't change - year to year - for me, that fact makes for...


happy day.....

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