
By MallyC

Stormy Weather

Everything aching today.  Bad night too - lack of sleep not conducive to feeling much for anything.
Went out for our usual coffee, this day to Pier 24, St.Clair where we sat and watched the rain squalls come in from the Pacific.  A touch of winter in the blustery wind too.  White caps to the horizon glistening in the on again, off again sun.
Before returning home we took a drive along John Wilson Drive and watched the gulls playing in the wind.  The wind strong enough to blow some of the younger red-billed gulls over as they tried to stay face into the wind.  Gave us a couple of laughs.
Not coping with the pain levels today so think I will take some more potent pain relief and get horizontal.  Robbie, the canine will be very pleased!

( thank you everyone who checks out my images for your stars and Fav's.  I do appreciate your efforts.)

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