Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Clear instructions

Everyone in Scotland aged 50-74 get sent a bowel screening kit every two years. It's important to do it. And these helpful instructions, photographed and sent to me by my dad, clearly show that it's very easy to do...sent with the statement "as if I don't know how to catch a turd".

Here's more information on bowel screening.

People don't like talking about their bowels generally. I think they are fascinating. At university I always chose to focus on the digestive system. I remember we had to disect a guinea pigs gi tract and people fainted. The smell as a bit gross. But you could see clearly the stages of digestion all the way through it. I miss university! Though I remember being conflicted, as I had a pet guinea pig and I was vegetarian (still am).

So here are some helpful instructions if you find yourself in need of "catching a turd".

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