Focus Pocus

By FocusPocus

Drawing with Light

Today I was talking to colleague about buying (or  not) the best, sharpest lens possible versus getting a budget lens. The reviews he had read for the cheaper lenses were the normal .. not very sharp... crap bokeh... appalling edge detail… slow focusing  etc etc etc.

I explained, as someone once explained to me , photography isn’t about the sharpest, crispest or fastest. It’s Photo Graphy. “Drawing with light”.

I promptly went to the pier after work with my very nice, expensive, fast-focusing,  sharp lens and tried some hand-held, second curtain flash shots of the starlings. I proved myself correct:)  Each and every photo was a failure except this one, which I quite like. The birds were nowhere near close enough to register in the flash but all the same, as Obi-Wan Kenobe would say “ This is not the picture you were looking for, but sometimes cock-ups work out OK" :)’s Brighton seafront in the background with starlings and the sea in the foreground.

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