Lala's Journal

By Lala


A haphazard sort of day, catching up on the dreaded admin and more promoting of the Falconer's Superstar nomination. If you are reading this and didn't see yesterday's blip, please take a look and vote! It would be much appreciated.

Today's photograph for the social media support of his quest for the award was to be any staff that could get out of the office and make their way to the castle to join in. As I walked onto the bridge that I have crossed a thousand times, I took the opportunity to snap the Machicolations. Some would call them Murder Holes, but Machicolations is the proper word. The pronounciation of this word is hotly disputed but I favour Mashi- co-lay-shon, purely because it makes it easy for children to remember when you mention its resemblance to mashed potato.

I will try to get hold of the photo that I am in for tomorrow's blip but today the glorious Machicolations of the Gate
House at Leeds Castle.

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