My blipping is faltering, not from any lack of commitment (although the changes to the community spirit since the "switchover" haven't helped) but mainly as a consequence of the ongoing weaning from my old fellow traveller, opium. Life is contracting to something dangerously close to where I was a year or so ago. Everything is a major effort. The end is in sight though as I'm now down to less than a third of what I was on three months ago. Brain and body are feeling something of a reawakening I think although for the time being it's difficult to be sure through the constant ache of withdrawal. In another month or two I'll have a clearer picture but it's head down and slog on for the time being. To begin with the main problem was simply the reaction to the sudden abstinence but for the last 6 weeks or so the underlying pain has been progressively unmasked, the opiateless me is going to be a slower, more stooped, more restricted version - a price I'm willing to pay if it means my mind starts working again....I think....
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