
By cowgirl

Suggestive craving

I'm back on Fossey walking duty as Jo's teaching her full time course at the prison again. I have to take my hat off to her - the pays crap, the " students " often unreceptive, she gets no support from the prison as contracted teachers are just a convenient way to occupy a few prisoners but there's no guard in with her and no thought as to who gets to participate ... her course is about how to get back into employment and particularly how to set yourself up in business, so why put lifers on it? I keep telling her to get out and teach others who would be more grateful but she says she feels that if she can turn even one of the inmates lives around and stop him re-offending it's all worth it.

So, because she deserves it and because she'd enthused about them so much that it set me off wanting one, I made some more ginger and lemon cakes. Hats off to Jo and all of those people with such gracious optimism.

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