
...i'm getting a headrush

snap your picture quick...

i don't think you can get a headrush suspended like that...

what do you know - all the blood is rushing into my little squirrel brain...

boo... you're too cute - but i believe you need to be laying down - then stand up fast to get a headrush... you're pointing in the wrong direction...

doesn't matter - i'm outta here...

and off he scampered... to frolick with the other squirrels that were out and about - running up to me, then away... squirrels are so funny - move so quickly... these today were hanging from tree branches - running up and down the trunks - dancing around my feet - digging for buried treasure in the grasses... so much fun on a breezy - chilly - sunny day... bringing giggles from little girls in the distance playing with the geese and ducks - oh and the near miss i had with a flicker who flew out of the hole in a tree... too bad i didn't have the camera ready - it startled us both - but all of it made for...


happy day.....

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