Reflection .... Where are they now------
This pic show a few of my " set " in1955 , the one girl in the centre of the front row I know has died, she and I meet on
several occasions, she came to my daughters christening
47years ago, we lost touch then suddenly found each other
again. Alas , it was too short as she died a few months later.
As for the others, well we all went our separate ways and
met on occasions. Hey ho where does time go??
My long standing dear friend from those days is still very
much in touch, she has been apart of our " family " for ever
it seem , she has just rung me actually. We worked very
hard for very little pay and NO lifting equipment in those
days. The result is .... arthritis of the spine ..... no cure
just put up with it or take useless pain killers????
Both E and I have varying degrees of this condition, today
they would sue!! No litigation and no one to really care
it was a case of " put up and shut up" !!!!
But we did have some fun times, we had to make our own
fun, away from home, sometimes homesick if we hadn't
bonded together we would have had a very rough time?
However, I was watching a programme last night called
Perspectives , it was John Sergeant reflecting on his childhood
hero of Spike Milligan, as I watched this I had funny memories
of nursing ? At the risk of boring you all ,I will re tell the tale!!
My good friend" E" and I were on a male surgical ward, the sister of the ward was a real " tartar" ,but was fair with it!
In those days patience stayed in bed much longer?
Maybe DVT hadn't been invented??????
So what was called a Bedpan round was done 3/4time a day.
It happened that it was " E" and myself that was assigned
to this very very important job!!! Well if you can imagine a
trolley ( tea trolley size) being loaded with bedpans and
urinals, and me fairly tall and " E" being quite shout!!
Now where the reflection of Spike comes in is.... the Goon
Show,if anyone can remember it?, well to the horror of
the sister and the laughter of the patients , this comedy
duo did the bedpan round singing " ying tong ying tong
tiddle I poo " , which was a Spike song in the Goons!
I've no doubt the sister had a snigger at this, but of
cause she had to keep her dignity.
Those were the days my friend , those were the days!!
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