My happy little life

By khoola

F*cked up Russian doll

This pretty much sums up my day!

Plaster everywhere (mostly in the stomachs of the cat and the dog), bloody Russian dolls refusing to be released from plaster, dog vomiting plaster all over the ring of doom, bowl of stinky soap on the kitchen side, toothless child still wittering about how the tooth fairy forgot about her (almost twice, whoops), more excruciating violin practice to listen to, panic setting in that there really isn't enough time to finish everything for college and I should pick one plan and stick to it, and generally running round like a headless chicken as per usual!

At least the bowl worked. Should do really, am queen of bowls after all. And I have LOTS to write up about how much I've learned on the never ending list of how not to do stuff...

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