Hey Neighbor!

I had a short window today in which to take pictures. I spent a couple of hours wheeling my doctor around, then took a mother and her 9 year old daughter to a hospital in Detroit. Makes me glad that I don't have to face that traffic on a daily basis. Makes you tense.

The 9 year old didn't know what to make of my home made CD. When Julie Andrews came on singing My Favorite Things from the Sound of Music...she asked from the back seat..."Really?" But...then she sang along with practically every word. "Raindrops on roses...and whiskers on kittens..."

A quick trip to my herons nests. I still can't believe that the lower couple built their nest so close to the one on top. I think mom is flying up to inquire about borrowing an egg. The mom on the top looks a little apprehensive.

I love watching the 4 nests, but wish they were closer.(If I could only climb trees like I used to.) Although it would get a little boring...I think I could post either herons or swans every day. I guess I like their beauty and their bigness.

Go to my flickr page to see 5 more heron shots, and click on LARGE to see these 2 neighbors.

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