Capital adventures

By marchmont

Onward and upward

A dreich morning led to heavy traffic, led to a slow bus, led to me running, yes running, to Rose St. 20 minutes later I feel odd but slightly more normal. I spent the rest of the day speaking funny though.

The usual busy day trying to catch up on the results of 3 days out of the office and plan for the future. Took me an hour to leave tonight. But it was still slightly light at 6.30. We are nearly out of the wood.

Phone calls tonight to L and Y. That's the weekend set up.

My portable Internet radio has died. I don't think they make them any more. Overtaken by the smartphone? Sad.

I'm feeling a bit better in myself though. Strange how you can be so down for no reason at all.

Nothing for it but 'onward and upward'. I climbed Jacob's Ladder once. It nearly killed me!

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