Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Triang still working hard

We bought this Triang (little pushalong trike) when we came back to live in NZ 5.5 years ago. My brother had one and they just last and last and last. Now these are really targetted at 2 year olds, but these 8, 7 and 6 year olds still play on it pretty constantly. It is used to whizz down the drivewayhopefully not onto the road and then they take turns pulling each other back up. There's always a track drawn on the drive, complete with finish line.

They've been doing this for the past sign of giving up, but I suppose I better deliver A back home to her parents soon, as it is after 5pm now, and the light is starting to go.

In other news, I went back to the dentist today for a repair, which went well. Book club tonight, we read a stupid book called The Man in the Shed by Lloyd Jones. Don't bother!

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