Utopia ?

This is the new swanky multi million pound hospital in Bristol at Southmead.

This is my second attempt at blipping this after the first one failed. Why does it always do that when I've typed lots.

So in summary, I got told off for taking video of the outside ( but confused them when I pointed out I was taking photos not video ), but no one stopped me inside!

Anyway it is a very impressive building. A central atrium covered street with towering wings either side.

Having checked in at the self check in kiosks, I then made my way to gate 18.

Yup, a gate!

Once there I had short wait until I went in to get an ultrasound on my thyroid.

After 10 minutes of scanning, and a very early discovery of a cyst, I then swapped rooms to see the doctor.

Who proceeded to stick a needle into my neck ( while I watched on the monitor ) and drained rhe cyst.

It was too quick to even think about it, but bloody gross. White blood cell gross to be precise.

It's amazing the visible difference it has made to my throat!

Will be interesting to see what effect it will have on my general health.

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