"Be Back In a Minute"

Finally got a hawk photo after trying for months.  One hawk normally sits on the power lines in late afternoon.  Today there were two for the first time.  I have to park on the shoulder across and down a four lane highway for them to not fly the minute I stop the car.  They sat together for a very short time today and then one decided he didn't trust me.  I shot this on nearly full zoom, so it is not as detailed as I wish. I did not open the door, but only lowered the window hoping not to disturb them.  Their eyesight must be phenomenal for them to realize I am trying to take a photo.  My wife jokes each time we pass the one normally on the wire by saying they recognize the car and are waiting for me to stop so they can fly away.  If you look very closely, you can see the red tail of the one sitting.

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