
By Wallersview

Bedtime routine: 6 weeks old

Playgroup this morning with Liz and Lola. Arabelle was awake throughout and enjoyed watching all the children play. It wont be long until she is participating. The health visitor came today for Arabelle's 6 week check up. She now weighs 11lb8oz!! Shes our little chunky monkey. We went for a little shopping trip with Grandad to Teeside Park and picked out a gorgeous outfit for Arabelle.

Tonight was the start of Arabelle's bedtime routine. Bath, cuddles, story, bottle (of expressed milk) and bed. Arabelle loved story time with her daddy and it was a lovely thing to watch such lovely daddy and daughter time. She slept well on her own (although despite having a baby monitor I went up to check on her 3 times).

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