
I am sick! What's that about? I am never ever sick!

I had to ring my nephew and tell him that I can't come to his birthday party today. There is no way I can drive 1½ hour each way and take part in a busy party for an 9 year old.

The level of chemicals in my blood has rised dramatically over the last 24 hours as I have taken any drug known, to try to fight this off or at least make it easier to live with - flu and cold capsules, ibuprofin, otrivin and strepsils. I am also using lots of warm tea, honey and citrus in the battle against this bug.

I took the boys out for a walk early in the morning, but they are still driving me crazy, so I might have to take them out again later.

My dad came to collect my nephew's present, so he can take it with him to the party.

Link for the live streamning from Crufts next week...
Hero will be in the International Freestyle, which is on the Saturday.

I need to go back to sleep now...
See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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