
My 1000th consecutive!

I'm amazed I've got this far as I've certainly had my moments.

What keeps me going though is you lovely lot, the blip family. It's nice knowing it's not just me that has bad days; in life and blip-spiration, and that I can count on you all for support and encouragement.

I had said that I might quit when I got to my 1000th, but the truth is I'd miss you all too much. So instead, a compromise....I'm still going to blip, but if I miss a day or two, I won't get hung up about it I'll probably still blip every day now I've said that

Today's blip is of my first ever blip photo, which seems a bit of a cop out on this occasion. But, since today is largely being spent in trackies, a hoody, no make-up, hair scraped back, everything covered in paint, up a ladder, I didn't think any of you would mind ;-)

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