nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Last day

A very busy one, packing up all the stuff I have accumulated in the office over the years.  Recycled nearly 10 years' worth of 'Chemistry World'.  Survived entirely on coffee and cake until 6 pm, when it was beer time, and finally a pizza at 1 am.

Took the blip of these two enormous pot plants that have appeared on campus when I nipped to the shop for a box of chocs for the cleaners.  Surprisingly, as they usually have their ears to the ground, they hadn't realised I was going until this morning.  They are a great bunch and always up for a laugh.

It was a strange day, quite final.  Said goodbye to one colleague who I have worked for and with for 12 years, and moved here with.  I will miss a lot of people here.  Many hands shaken, hugs, and even a cheeky kiss.

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