
By Veronica


I'm working with the material available (both subject and photographic equipment). Didn't go far today: to the garden to check out the progress of the broad beans (excellent, there are even a couple of flowers). Coffee and a chat with a neighbour, and some time on the sofa reading one of the Angela Thirkells I snapped up in the BookDepository sale. She's a hoot! This one, August Folly, is more Austen than Pym: very waspish humour.

I always thought life was too short to stuff an artichoke, but I actually did stuff these, using a recipe from the Italian cookbook S gave me for my birthday. The stuffing turned out to be the best bit: chopped artichoke stalks, garlic, parsley, breadcrumbs, Parmesan, and a glug of olive oil to bind it all together.

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