
By tpd


+2/3 demonstrating what she was going to be doing for the rest of the day: leaping about the house with +3/3 and watching Pixar films (in service day for them today). +1/3 was most miffed at having to go off to school as normal.

Cycled in (beautiful day), work, curried goat for lunch, work, cycled home via a couple of corners to see if I could be inspired to take a photo. Sadly not and I thought I'd returned home empty handed until I found the pictures from the start of the day that I'd completely forgotten about.

Music was mainly Beck; I'm really enjoying the new album including say goodbye; what's not to love: the subtle double-tracking of the vocals, the bone dry, sound-city-esque drums, minimalist arrangement. Brilliantly done.

Goodbye (see what I did there?)

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