Wondrous Wellies
A day of nothingness really, shopping, cleaning, washing etc.
After yesterday's beautiful sunshine and blue sky, today was the opposite, drizzly, dark and grey. Husband was working the afternoon shift which meant dog walking for me.
It actually takes ages to get us both ready for a walk in the winter. Harness and lead for Dog, coat and wellies for me. But into the coat pocket has to go.......keys ( to get back in), phone (in case of emergency), treats (to make sure he comes when called), poo bags (in case he goes)! And the ball. I have to confess that the wellies are not cleaned very often, the local woodland is MUDDY.
Pockets laden, feet slipped in wellies and off we went. It's only. 5 minute walk to the woods and on the way we met a fellow dog walker with her Schnauzer. We exchanged the obligatory 'what a lovely dog' remarks etc and then she blurted out.... I love your Wellies, where did you get them, I need some like that. I was most bemused and had to tell her they were approximately 20 years old. She showed me her flowery pink wellies purchased last year with splits along the seam and declared 'they don't make boots like they used to'!
We said goodbye, and as Jasper and I reached the woods, and I sank my feet into the mud, I couldn't resist taking a snap of the envied wellies.
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