
By beckie

On this day 33 years ago... I was born..

I was presented with these huge pink 33 balloons last night by my bestist friend.. That'll teach me for momentarily thinking I was a whole year younger! Lol!

She felt I needed reminding! Ha haa!

Met my family over in Felixstowe for breakfast at The Alex this morning.. Amazing food!!
We then had a bit of a stroll along the beach, tho it was a tad cold & windy.. We found a little shelter & Mum whipped out a little birthday hamper.. In it was a flask to make hot chocolates, squirty cream, a birthday cake, candle, lighter, knife, & napkins.. Definitely one birthday I won't forget in a hurry..

Had a fantastic day, feel spoilt with all the birthday love from everyone!
Lots of lovely cards & presents, & feel blessed with some truly wonderful people in my life!

Very happy

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