Country File

By marypot


Ever since this machine appeared at the leisure centre, Grace has begged to play on it. I've always said no, because these things are a scam, and I've told her that. She kept on and on and I wondered if she needed a little lesson in disappointment and to build some resilience. Two weeks ago I said if she kept her bedroom tidy she could have 50p for one go on the machine. She did just that so today she had her go. She said the machine didn't work. The kind lady behind the desk said oh dear and gave her another 50p and this time I watched her. She hadn't a clue what she was doing unfortunately, despite saying she did. She lost within 5 seconds of the 30 she had to grab the tablet computer. She wasn't happy and then refused to get changed for her ballet lesson, the very reason we were at the leisure centre. Fifteen minutes later she was still sulking in the changing room. I had words with her. Basically - "Deal with it and get up there right now." Went back a few minutes later and she had gone to her class. She got over the disappointment, she worked through the anger and she got on with it. Sometimes being tough helps our kids more then being kind and gentle.

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