Another busy day

Another grotty morning for me as I woke with another headache. Think it's because I stay sat up in bed once I've been to Wom in case he stirs, then fall asleep and end up sleeping in stupidly bad position causing everything to ache. Lee took the children down and after thirty minutes Munchie rang me in my phone shouting wake up mummy!

We gave Munchie the choice of ballet but no croissant shop, or no ballet but croissant shop (we had an adventure planned so coudnt do both due to time) she chose croissant shop. Daddy and Munchie headed off.

After breakfast we headed to a farm park. We let the girls have time in soft play as soon as we got there. We had the place to ourselves apart from one odd boy who copied everything Munchie did, even calling me mummy?!! Both the girls enjoyed petting the rabbits and days old chicks as well as seeing all the other animals, playing in tractors and in the sandpit. Wom enjoyed it too, although I think he would have prefered to have been out and crawling.

Home, lots of playing, crawling, giggling.
Both asleep by 7pm.

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